LetoDB: answers to questions,
that appears or may appears.
(New questions can be suggested at the end of the page)

Where to get, how to install?

LetoDB project is hosted on SourceForge, there it is possible to download a last official source distribution. You may also to get most fresh sources with the help of Git:

      git clone http://git.code.sf.net/p/letodb/code
or here, clicking on a button "Download snapshot".

Official source distributions and some binary, ar available on my site via LetoDb page.

If you do not fit ready binaries from my site, you will need to compile LetoDB yourself. It is not difficult, the procedure is described in details in readme.txt. You may use a Harbour's Hbmk utility, or one of bat-files, included in distribution. In the latter case, the main thing - to tell the system where the Harbour and maybe your C compiler is placed.

If you're building a server on Windows, you need to decide whether to compile the server LetoDB as a service (the default mode), or as a normal program (service not always run equally well) - then you will have to be amended the appropriate makefile, replacing:

   -    in letodb.hbp: lines "-cflag=" и "-prgflag=" __WIN_SERVICE__ to __WIN_DAEMON__;
   -    in makefile.bc, makefile.gcc: line "SRV_MODE =" __WIN_SERVICE__ to __WIN_DAEMON__.

When the executable of LetoDB server is ready, copy it to the selected directory and put there letodb.ini with the options you desire. Create a separate directory for the database and mention it in letodb.ini in the line DataPath = - otherwise the newly created tables will be placed in the directory with LetoDB executable. Then you can consider LetoDB server installed.

Why it is called LetoDB?

Because I start to write it in a cold winter ) - "Leto" means "summer" on Russian.

Please help me in the server modes.

There are three server modes, which may be set with the hekp of a main server configuration file letodb.ini:

So after all, what mode to choose ? The Share_Tables mode makes sense to consider only when you really need to use a table from other programs in parallel with LetoDB - and do not forget that No_Save_WA mode includes this option. As for the choice between the main and No_Save_WA - it is difficult to to give a definite answer. It depends on the specifics of your entire environment - server configuration and OS, network, and, finally, from the manner in which your programs are written. It is necessary to try both options and choose optimal. I can only say that at the moment (07.10.2016) No_Save_WA mode is not yet tested extensively.

How does caching records, how to configure it?

When the server receives a request to perform SKIP operation, it sends back to client not an one record, but several - in this case the client program forms a buffer with these records. While the next SKIP a client program first checks whether the desired record is in the buffer, and only if not - it sends a new request to the server. The lifetime of such a buffer is limited by one second, which is sufficient for caching of a series of moving operations on the table and, however, it does not lead to the fact that changes in the table made by another client, would go unnoticed you.

The default size of the buffer - 10 records, it can be changed in the letodb.ini, setting Cache_Records. In addition, this parameter can be set individually for each table, using a call of a leto_SetSkipBuffer (nRecords) function - it sets the buffer size to nRecords for the current workarea.

The caching is especially effective when you are moving sequentially through a lot of records, but may slow down the work, if you do not do a few SKIPs in sequence because sending of multiple records requires more time than one. Therefore, to increase a productivity it has a sense to set the buffer size individually for different tables depending on how they are used.

What should be changed in the program, to start using LetoDB?

Since the client part of LetoDB is an RDD, you just need to link the rddleto library to your application and write a couple of lines:


Actually, that's all. And, of course, while the creation and opening of the database tables it is needed to specify the path to the server - ip or domain name and the port (2812, if some other isn't specified in letodb.ini. See the examples in the letodb/tests/.

It is useful, but not required, to establish a connection to the server before you start working with the data on it: just to make sure that the connection exists:

   IF ( leto_Connect( cPath ) ) == -1
      ? "Connection failed."
      Return Nil
      ? "Ok"

Can a single program to run multiple LetoDB servers?

Yes, it can. When a full path is specified in the command to open or create a table or in the file access functions, Leto extracts the server address and port number from this path, checks whether you have connected to this server and, if not, connects to it. A number of connected servers is not limited.

In some functions, for example, those intended for recording/reading of LetoDB variables (leto_var ... ()), the path to the server is not specified. In this case, the current connection is used. If you have multiple open connections, the current can be set by calling the function leto_SetCurrentConnection(cConnString | nConnection). The parameter may be a path to the server (this could be any file path on the server), and a connection number. The function returns the number of connection, which was current before a function call:

       nConn := leto_SetCurrentConnection( cPath2 )
       leto_VarSet( ... )
       leto_SetCurrentConnection( nConn )

How to code the transaction correctly?

The transaction always begins with a call of leto_BeginTransaction() function and ends with a call of leto_CommitTransaction(). Between then - operations, changing the database tables: APPEND, REPLACE, DELETE. Note that these write operations are buffered on the client side and are sent for execution to the server by calling leto_CommitTransaction(), while the other operations - moving in the table, reading data are executed immediately, as usual.

Before the execution of the transaction it is necessary to make all the necessary lock, otherwise it will not work. If, after the start of the transaction (call of leto_BeginTransaction()) something will go wrong - the record locking fails, for example, you can use the leto_Rollback( lUnlockAll ) to exit the transaction mode. Below is a small sample from letodb/tests/test_ta.prg:

     Function ChangeNakl( nSummNew )
     Local nDelta


        select NAKL1
        if !dbSeek( Dtos(NAKL2->DORD)+STR(NAKL2->NORD) ) .or. !Rlock()
           Return .F.

        select NAKL2
        if Rlock()
           nDelta := nSummNew - SUMMA
           replace SUMMA with nSummNew
           Return .F.

        select NAKL1
        replace SUMMA with SUMMA + nDelta


     Return .T.

In which cases transactions are useful?

Transactions in LetoDB, as well as in other client-server database management system, are designed to make several logically connected changes in the database tables in this way, to ensure the preservation of data consistency, to perform them all - or none of them.

In other words, if you need to make several related changes to data - somewhere add a record, somewhere replace = merge them into the transaction.

Other possible application - to increase the speed. If you add, for example, 10 records one after the other, this will be 10 cycles of communicating with the server. And if you join these 10 additions in one transaction, it would take only one communication session. But do not overdo the amount of of additions in a single transaction: it requires large buffers, and this is not very good.

And once again I want to emphasize that the transaction work on the writing only. If there are data read or moving operations inside a transaction, they are carried out immedeately, they are not buffered, not included in the transaction.

Can I use LetoDB server from programs written in C, Delphi and other languages?

Yes, you can. The LetoDB's client part includes a static library leto.lib (or leto.a, if you use Mingw or gcc). Link it to your application - and use a set of functions to access the server. Simple examples in C, which uses leto.lib, you can find in letodb/tests/c_lang/. You can also to build leto.dll dynamic library with a help of Hbmk and letodyn.hbp - and use it with your applications.

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